The Board

Greg stephenson

Greg has been involved with Scouting for over 20 years. He has two sons Coady and Shea who achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.  Greg has been a Leader in the Cub Scouts and is the past Scoutmaster for Troop 410 in Bloomsdale Missouri. Greg is also a member of the Order of the Arrow.

John Upchurch

John is Max’s Father and is an Eagle Scout himself.  He is the past Scoutmaster of Troop 410 as well.  He is also a member of the Order of the Arrow.  John has served in Scouting for over 20 years.

Gary willams

Gary is the current Committee Chair for Troop 410.  Gary is also a member of the Order of the Arrow.  Gary is active in pack 410 as a Cub Leader and he has over 10 years of Scouting experience.

Suzanne Upchurch

Suzanne is Max’s Mother.  She has over 20 years of scouting experience and has served as the past Treasurer for Troop 410.  Suzanne has also served as a Leader in Cub Pack 410.

Nick Rozier

Nick is the current Cubmaster for Pack 410.  Nick is an Eagle Scout and a member of the Order of the Arrow.  He is a past member of Troop 410.  Nick has many years of experience in Scouting.

Jordan Upchurch

Jordan is Max’s older brother and he is an Eagle Scout and a member of the Order of the Arrow.  Jordan has served as a Camp Counselor at S Bar F Scout Ranch and he has years of Scouting experience.